Nestled in the prestigious Rancho Santa Fe Covenant, this enchanting family home promises an idyllic lifestyle in one of the most sought after school districts. Beyond the tranquility of lemon and orange orchards spread across lush acreage, this residence combines serene privacy with the convenience of nearby Rancho Santa Fe village. Boasting an open layout, the home features three expansive bedrooms plus an office that can easily convert into a fourth bedroom, ideal for remote work or study. Complemented by three expansive bedrooms and three baths, the interior includes a formal dining room, a stately living room, and a vast great room that flows gracefully into a true cooks kitchen - perfect for entertaining and family gatherings. Step outside to experience outdoor living at its finest. Three inviting patios offer sweeping views of a sprawling swimming pool and spa, set against against the backdrop of vibrant, flowering orchards. These private outdoor spaces make it easy for relaxation in your private paradise. Virtual staging is coming to help the buyer with furniture placemen t and highlight the layout. The orchard is not only a beautiful backdrop to the home, and offers endless possibilities. If one is a wine aficionado a vineyard would be a buyers dream. Within walking trails that lead to the golf course this home is a rare opportunity to live close to the vibrant village of Rancho Santa Fe and enjoy a piece of a perfect blend of history, luxury and your own special paradise. The Covenant HOA offers many features such as 24/7 security, Community events, Tennis Club opportunities, Golf Membership - opportunities to join, Equestrian Trails, access to over 60 miles of trials, Library and Community Center, Covenant Club - Membership opportunities. HOA very helpful in this community and can answer all questions.
01/2 BATHS
School Information
Nestled in the prestigious Rancho Santa Fe Covenant, this enchanting family home promises an idyllic lifestyle in one of the most sought after school districts. Beyond the tranquility of lemon and orange orchards spread across lush acreage, this residence combines serene privacy with the convenience of nearby Rancho Santa Fe village. Boasting an open layout, the home features three expansive bedrooms plus an office that can easily convert into a fourth bedroom, ideal for remote work or study. Complemented by three expansive bedrooms and three baths, the interior includes a formal dining room, a stately living room, and a vast great room that flows gracefully into a true cooks kitchen - perfect for entertaining and family gatherings. Step outside to experience outdoor living at its finest. Three inviting patios offer sweeping views of a sprawling swimming pool and spa, set against against the backdrop of vibrant, flowering orchards. These private outdoor spaces make it easy for relaxation in your private paradise. Virtual staging is coming to help the buyer with furniture placemen t and highlight the layout. The orchard is not only a beautiful backdrop to the home, and offers endless possibilities. If one is a wine aficionado a vineyard would be a buyers dream. Within walking trails that lead to the golf course this home is a rare opportunity to live close to the vibrant village of Rancho Santa Fe and enjoy a piece of a perfect blend of history, luxury and your own special paradise. The Covenant HOA offers many features such as 24/7 security, Community events, Tennis Club opportunities, Golf Membership - opportunities to join, Equestrian Trails, access to over 60 miles of trials, Library and Community Center, Covenant Club - Membership opportunities. HOA very helpful in this community and can answer all questions.